Big-bang determinism..
"Thinking and writing these words..,your reading to that...,&everything before & after this event...;is an obligatory results from the Big-bang"
A very very big enormous one chemical equation...that must give all what happens in the universe
Thats the current philiosophy gained from the science...DETERMINISM
Hence it cancels the what we agreed about terming it.."CHOICE"
Everything done & will be just a result from that archaic universal explosion...& can be claculated & estimated..but by a very very very complex calculations that includes all particles in the universe.
Another Hence,
It cancels any human Choice principled system aka religion.
This theory currently has no holes except
-one scientific hole called "uncertainity principle" by Hiesenberg,
-and another philosophical religional point...shortly illustrated below,
"Human senses & as a consequence "awarness" is limited to his own material."
Which means..that human will observe only his level of existance...i.e what we call "matter"
Matter works in accurate laws..non breakable except at miracles by messengers sent by the maker of these laws to prove to human that He is the creator of these laws by the clue that He broke it.
one of the previous two holes & only one will be true..
if the uncertainity...,then matter & spirtuals are in a same room i.e spirtuals are scientific facts of undetermined yet mechanism & it is a mtter of time to know it.
& if the philosophy above..then big bang determinism applies on our awarness level..
ps: something of no direct answer by religional or scientifical the origion...
if big bang "who made the big further step..who made the atom..who made the electrons,neutrons & protons....who made the quarks & leptons"
in religion the prohpet's Hadit "ya'tey al shaytano le ahadekom fayakol man khalaka haza wa man khalaka haza..."
but in common there is an answer...a logical one..& supports the religional side..which follows..:
"who made the atoms....then who made what made the atoms...then who made that who mades what who mades the atoms etc. to INFINITY
infinity has no single when i ask you what is the last number in the numbers????there is no existance for it...
So,there is no existance for such infinity chain..& it must has a finate origin & an end to this..
Religion says the end is Allah..,science has no current answer or even tries for that."
the later proof is concluded by "al 3abd lelah...then found the same conclusion from an old religion scientest"
Locus cerolius
عرض رائع للموضوع يا باشا......ورأيك فيه كمان اروع
بس ايه رأيك لو نكتب بالعربي عشان نفهم اكبر قدر ممكن عن النظرية دي ومدي ارتباطها بالقرأن
عرض رائع للموضوع يا باشا....و رأيك كمان فيه روعة....بس ايه رأيك لو نكتب عن نظرية الانفجار العظيم بالعربي عشان نفهم اكبر قدر ممكن من الناس عن النظرية دي
عرض رائع للموضوع يا باشا....و رأيك كمان فيه روعة....بس ايه رأيك لو نكتب عن نظرية الانفجار العظيم بالعربي عشان نفهم اكبر قدر ممكن من الناس عن النظرية دي
awalan moshkkren wallahi ya 3ammona ayman for just opening this dusty blog. :D...
mawdo3 el 3arabey fe dema'3ey wallahi...bas zan2et el emte7anat bet7'alley el wa7ed wa2to daya2 3ala el katabt bel 3arabey ha3od feh meet sana...fa bas el wa7ed beydo2 mosmareen fel fekra abl ma teteer menno 7aleyan...
begad wallahi thanks for caring...i am so happy wallahi :)))))
el mela7wes..
Locu cerolius(ma7she)
it is not dusty blog....we are dusty silly bloggers
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