View points...!!

Only one thing in this universe you must be seeing it in a way & the whole world see it in another different way.... YOU.

Locus Coerulius


ayman_elgendy said...

نحن لا نري الاشياء كما هي...انما نري الاشياء كما تراها اعيننا

وحشتنا يا عم فينك

خلص امتحاناتك بقي ونورنا كده


Mohammad Aboul-wafa said...

7atta el 3eyneen...
3eyneek heyya el 7aga el wa7eda feek elli 7atta lamma betshofha fel merayah...
& so your eyes extension to that deep lying substance in that bony box.

hant el 7'ames elli gaii efrag isA :)))))))

Thanks for caring yabu ayman..

Locus Coerulius